Imprint, Image Credits, Credits, Disclaimer

Side note: The place of jurisdiction for syntaction is Germany, and therefore we are bound by German & EU law to have a legal notice on our website, called "Impressum" in German or Imprint. Here you can find all important and additional legal information about this website and the content creator. If you want to get in contact with syntaction, please have a look at our contact site instead!

Owner's data according to § 5 DDG & GDPR

Koppoldstraße 1
86551 Aichach

No packages to this address!

Person responsible for content according to § 10 Sub. 3 MDStV: Christian Knerr
Person responsible for data protection according to EU GDPR: Christian Knerr
Supervisory auth. according to § 5 DDG Sub. 1 No. 8: Lan­des­me­di­en­an­stalt Saar­land (LMS)

Email: please enable JavaScript to view this address
Telephone: please use email contact first
VAT ID Number: DE276332528
Brand Registration: 302014062982 [DPMA]
Founder: Christian Knerr

Webdesign and SEO by CBACK® Studios, Christian Knerr, Germany.
Made on Earth.

Image Credits / Resource Credits

We use some of our pictures and some other resources from a third party legally and with a license. However, to be legally in effect, we have to mention which resource is from which source. You find that list below. Images and graphics not listed here are created by Christian Knerr (syntaction).

  • FAR AWAY FROM HOME Cover Image — © Janina Meesenburg, exclusively designed for syntaction
  • FUSION Cover Image — © Janina Meesenburg, exclusively designed for syntaction
  • SPACEWALK Vol. 1 Cover Image — contains public domain image material "Buzz Aldrin on the moon" by NASA
  • SYNTACTION Live 2008 — © Adrian Baumann, Hauke Jepsen, Stefan Jung, Lukas Kubik
  • Costume Mask & Glove Design — © CFX / Composite Effects
  • Costume Leather Parts — © Andracor
  • Costume Character Idea & Soft Parts — © Christian Knerr (syntaction)
  • Broken Noise Texture — © (with adjusted colors)
  • Dark Wall Texture — © (with adjusted colors)
  • Dark Mosaic Texture — © (with adjusted colors)
  • Pink Nebula In Deep Space — © Kevin Carden |
  • Death Valley Under Milky Way — © Juliengrondin |
  • Starry Night Sky Space Background — © PixelParticle |
  • Young Planet System In Far Deep Space — © Afxhome |
  • Roboto-*.ttf & RobotoCondensed-*.ttf WebFont — © Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Additional Credits and Brands

syntaction®, syntaction® logo, syntaction® character, syntaction® website, music, sounds & design created by Christian Knerr ©2008-2024 and CBACK® Studios — All rights reserved!

Usage of image material, photos, music, content, etc. from this website on other places is strictly prohibited without written permission of syntaction. syntaction® ist a German signature brand of the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO), registered with the number 302014062982 for the classes 09, 25 and 41. Using this name for other products and services is hereby prohibited. For additional information about the status ® please read the German trademark law. When we mention the syntaction® brand on our own website without the marking ®, we still have all rights on this trademark.

Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Your personal privacy, when visiting our website, is paramount to us. Following, we make a list for you what data we collect or store when you visit our website and how we use it. As always, your IP address, browser & operating system, accessed files and the time of your visit will be stored in a secure logfile on our server. This is done so we can defend ourselves if someone uses our services for criminal purposes. Additionally that data is required to establish a network connection from your computer to our webserver. We will not examine the data and delete all logfile entries after 90 days.

If you contact us via email, we will delete your data once we closed the process. We will never share your email address or other informations with a third party. (EU GDPR §6.1a) itself doesn't use cookies at all and is not using any tracking mechanisms. But if you visit one of our linked external social websites (X, Spotify, Apple Music, …) or activate player widgets on the front page by clicking on the play button those external sites may set cookies to your machine. (EU GDPR §6.1f) If you visit these pages you agree that said cookies will be used. Privacy terms and cookie policies of these external websites will apply and has no control and no liability about that. You can always delete all cookies via the setting "delete cookies" in your browser. Your visit on is protected with SSL / TLS encryption. You can verify the encryption status if you look at your browsers address bar: If you see a lock-icon beside the website URL you can be sure your connection to is encrypted.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us over the contact mail mentioned in this imprint. is hosted entirely in an EU country.


Albeit critical and thorough control, we do not take responsibility for contents of external links. The operators of linked external sites are responsible for their content and our users are responsible for their posts and comments on our social profiles (for example YouTube). This also belongs to the utilized avatar images, signatures or attachments. Every written post or uploaded picture belongs to the user who wrote or uploaded said content. Due to technical reasons, we cannot control every move in a real-time network. If you encounter a breach in law on our socials, for example copyright or trademark issues, please contact us via email. We will process your request as soon as possible and remove the issue.

We as the operator do not take responsibility for the correctness or completeness of contents on our site. Additionally, every usage of our website content, downloads, products, and so on is at one's own risk. Although is anxious to keep all our offers free of technical issues and in good working capacity, we do not take responsibility for any damage our product may cause on local systems (for example your computer).

Place of jurisdiction is Saarland, Germany.

Even if parts of our disclaimer become invalid, all other content is not touched. syntaction has the right to replace invalid content with similar valid content. syntaction has the right to alter or expand this content at will. The same applies for contents and services of our website which can be removed, expanded or altered at any time.