syntaction's reptilian alien character in thinking pose

Subspace communicators …

… are not required to get in touch with syntaction! There are some really earthly ways available to contact us with your questions, notes or other things if you want to. A good way to stay connected directly with syntaction is with our profiles on X, SoundCloud, Instagram and YouTube. We'd be happy if you follow us there. Thank you!


Postfach 11 35
66579 Spiesen-Elversberg


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public relations

Do you need image material or HD cover images for an article or report about syntaction on your website, web-magazine, video- or printed media? Or do you have any open questions about this music project? Please use the pr email address to get in touch with us with all your pr / press related inquiries. You are welcome to write us in English or German language.

pr email

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music licensing

If you need any clarification about licensing of syntaction music from our albums, please use the licensing email address to get in touch with us.

licensing email

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